Refundable keg deposit
Must be the same as appears on driver’s license/other valid ID
Also appears on the ID used at pickup (Street Address, City, State Zipcode)
When do you plan on picking up and returning the keg?
*We cannot accept invalid or expired ID’s* Options are: valid US driver’s license, valid ID card issued by the VA DMV, Armed Forces ID card, US Passport or Foreign Government Visa *ABC does not allow us to accept driver licenses from other countries/provinces*
Enter valid ID number
Must be 21 or older to purchase alcohol
I understand that I may be personally liable for violations resulting from illegal use of this keg and that falsifying purchase information, removing, or altering this seal, using this keg at a different address or on other dates, serving persons under 21 years of age, and serving intoxicated persons are crimes punishable by a $2,500 fine and/or a 12 month jail term. I also understand that at ABC special agent may enter and inspect the premises a the keg use address on the keg use dates to ensure compliance with the law (Code of VA Title 4.1)